How much toilet paper should you use?

How much toilet paper should you use?

 “Have you ever had to think about how much toilet you will need?
I know I haven’t.
Now a day, it seems to have become a decision that I really have to put effort into,” Wood wrote on his toilet paper calculator page.

According to his calculator, a household of four;
needs 1.1 roll of toilet paper per 8 rolls per week and 32 rolls per month.
If those four people are quarantined for 50 days, the household would need 54 rolls.

In addition to the calculator, Wood provides these "funs" on the toilet paper:

• Most people go to the toilet 6-7 times a day, but 4-10 times are also “normal”.

• The average consumer uses 8 to 9 wipe sheets for 57 sheets per day.

• The average person flushes the toilet up to 2,500 times a year.


"If you’re using toilet roll efficiently, the average person should only need 10 sheets per visit to the loo.

"Obviously, this can depend widely on whether it’s a number one or number two, but essentially try not to wrap yarns of toilet roll round your hand to use as this can be a waste.”

Just to be clear, ten sheets should be the maximum number of sheets you use - so using less is completely fine, and probably encouraged.

In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic toilet paper was disappearing from store shelves.

Even now, most stores are limiting shoppers to purchasing only one or two packages at one time.

While some of the purchases could have been hoarding there also is the stay-at-home orders – people who normally would be using toilet paper at work, at home or on college campuses are all now at home.
So, it makes sense that home toilet paper usage has increased.

It's safe to say that some people are a little more, well, generous when it comes to the good ol' loo roll.

But wrapping it around your hand or pulling at the roll can lead to waste.

Then there's those who count out a precise number of sheets each and every time - which begs the question, how many sheets should you be using?

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